SNC Premium Calling Features
Each Premium Calling Feature is $3.95 per month. To activate a premium calling feature or for further information on any feature, please call our Business Office at 402-245-4451 or stop by.
Voice Mail & Live Message Screening Duo
Voice Mail answers incoming calls when your line is busy or is unanswered, and you may access messages from any touchtone phone. Live Message Screening allows you to listen to voice mail messages as they are being recorded. When a caller is leaving a voice mail, your phone will ring with a distinctive tone. You can answer your phone to hear the message being left, and connect to the caller at any time during the recording. More Information and User Instructions
Privacy Defender
Eliminates nuisance calls by ensuring that all callers are identifiable. If no Caller ID is available on an incoming call, then Privacy Defender answers with a challenge to the caller before your phone rings. The caller is asked to record his/her name and request to be connected. Once this is done, your phone rings and when you answer, the caller’s name is announced. You can choose to accept the call, play a message that you do not accept telemarketing calls and asking to be removed from their calling list, or play a message informing the caller that you cannot accept the call at this time and call back later. User Instructions